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Natural 2 - Designed by Pat & Wes Crawford
Natural 2 - Designed by Pat & Wes Crawford

Natural 2 - Designed by Pat & Wes Crawford

  • 価格
  • ¥7,729(税込¥8,502)


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Natural 2 - Designed by Pat & Wes Crawford

Pat and Wes Crawford、 custom knifemakers in West Memphis、 Arkansas、 have produced many successful folder designs for CRKT over the years、 many with mid-level blade steels and glass filled nylon scales. Here's our new idea: let's make a Crawford folder series that is as close to a custom knife as possible、 using premium blade steel and natural materials. Logically、 we decided to call it the Natural ™ series. Available in two sizes、 these are extremely heavy-duty frame-lock folders with our patented* lightning-fast OutBurst ™ assisted opening. The Natural ™ 2 7080M is our smaller personal carry size with resin impregnated fiber scales. It has a 3.25" blade、 also of polished premium 8Cr13MoV stainless steel. The thick stainless steel frame is engine turned、 or "jeweled、" as is the custom stainless steel clip. It is overbuilt for long life. The stainless steel liners are so thick that it qualifies as a frame-lock folder. The blade can only be called a "Crawford Marauder clip point、" with a scalloped top edge and dual ramped Crawford-style thumb studs for opening. Just nudge either thumb stud outward approximately 30°、 and the OutBurst mechanism springs the blade open with a satisfying "click." The stainless steel back spacer receives file work like the finest customs. When it comes to grip、 this folder has it all: a good-sized handle、 butt pommel、 two deep finger choils and thumb friction grooves on the spine. So here's our bet: If you were walking through a custom knife show、 and you picked up any of these Naturals without the CRKT logo、 you would think、 "Wow、 a Crawford custom!" And except for the value price、 you'd be pretty darned close.


  1. 7.63inches
  2. ●ClosedLength:4.38inches
  3. ●Weight:6.3ounces
  4. Blade
  5. ●Length:3.25inches
  6. ●Thickness:0.15inches
  7. ●Material:8Cr13MoV
  8. Blade-HRC:58-59
  9. ●Finish:Satin
  10. ●Grind:HighHollow
  11. ●Style:CrawfordMarauderClipPoint
  12. ●Edge:Plain
  13. Handle
  14. ●Material:2CR13andResinImpregnatedFiber
  15. Lock
  16. ●Type:FrameLock
  17. Carry
  18. CarrySystem:1PositionClip
  19. Features
  20. ●OutBurst:Yes:

Natural 2 - Designed by Pat & Wes Crawfordのレビュー、口コミ



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